Friday, December 11, 2015

Android Studio adb Syntax error: ")" unexpected in Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit (Platform-tools 23.1.0 Linux changed to 64-bit without notice)

After recent upgrade of new Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 23.1, I got some errors with ADB (code 1, code 2). When I was tried to Run an application, Android Studio showed me the message "Android studio ADB not responding".

I was tried to use commands to restart or kill adb but it didn't help me.

Useful commands to find processes and kill:

$sudo lsof -i |grep 5037
$sudo kill PID_NUMBER

$ ps ax | grep android-studio
$ ps aux | grep adb

$ killall -9 adb
$ killall adb
$ adb kill-server
$ adb start-server 

Finally I found solution how to fix this issue. You don't need to upgrade new Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 23.1 on Linux 32-bit it's only for 64-bit. If you did this, you should downgrade on previous version using links below and put files on your directory "/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/":

Android SDK Platform tools 23.0.1

Download Android SDK Platform Tools for Linux rev
Download Android SDK Platform Tools for MAC rev
Download Android SDK Platform Tools for Windows rev


  1. Great and easy solution!!
    Thanks a lot

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